
Showing posts from October, 2010

Something about September

Sorry I didn't inform everyone on how Jon and I are doing!  I know I told you all I was going to keep you updated every month.  Sorry I got us a little behind.  September was a fun month for us, so let me spill the beans and share....Something about September! :) First week: Every first Wednesday of every month, Jon gets together with his brother in laws (John Ulrickson & my brother Ryan).  They take turns picking what they do.  I always love it when Jon returns!  He comes back after being with all the guys happy to see me and tell me about his night! Labor Day weekend: The Sunday before Labor Day my Tometich extended family has a reunion.  It was so nice catching up with everyone.  This time we had three new babies to welcome to the family! :) Most of everyone that could make it, minus a few who were gone for kid's nap times. Labor Day was a fun day with family, friends, and dad's employees at Adventureland!  Second wee...

Prince Charming

Growing up I absolutely loved the Disney classics.  Who am I kidding?  I still love them!  My heart would melt as I watched humbled Cinderella fall in love with the Prince and when Belle was serving the Beast.  To a little girl  it was hope of the future.  Some man out there would be my Prince Charming and we would live happily ever after.  But the part of the story I was missing was the part about what the women did . The Prince didn't fall in love with Cinderella because she had a pretty dress on or a perfect face.  He fell in love with her character, personality, and loving spirit.  Cinderella was such a cheerful person!  How often have I let days go by and let Jon know what I was thinking and held on to it all day long? I started rereading a book all about being a good helpmeet to your husband.  (Now it feels a little bit more relevant now that I'm actually married.)  I read a section out loud to Jon, and he sa...