Every Voice Matters

I was raised in a household where my voice wasn't heard. My opinions didn't matter, and my questions were not respected. The space around me was filled with chaos and noise that didn't make sense to me. I was surrounded by dictatorship in my own home. I had dominate people directing me and pushing me to do what they wanted me to do. Meanwhile a few of us sitting back in agony and confusion of why this was able to occur. This led to my silence, social anxiety, and self doubt. The voice inside my head never stops. It takes on overwhelming pressure to make decisions. It's confusing when I make a boundary. Growing up the boundaries were constantly broken, and yet I had no clue what was happening. Especially because of the fact I didn't know boundaries existed. The voice inside my head wanted to scream and run and yet I had nothing to say that would make them listen. The lack of confidence in every thing I do is p...