Personality Comments

As quarantine looks like it's not ending anytime soon, I'm starting to have more time to ponder deep thoughts. I've lost numerous Facebook "friends" due to random posts and comments we disagree on. Sometimes it's my posts and sometimes it is theirs. I've taken time to think it over and answer all the ongoing questions and complications in my head. Tonight I was reading Raising Your Spirited Child, the section on personalities, and how it can mold your ability to handle situations. Extroverts seek action to feel good. They draw energy from people. They recharge their batteries by communication nonstop with other people. They are normally quick to make comments and dialogue. They love to share. Meanwhile, introverts are not antisocial. They interact with the world inside by reflecting thoughts and ideas before they share them with others on the outside. Introverts purr when they have time alone, quiet, and space to thems...