Raising Your Love Language

By now you all probably know I've been reading and focusing on Raising Your Spirited Child . Not long into Ellie's toddler months did we start to notice a shift in her behavior and stamina. Her cries were more. Her happiness was more. Her emotions were more. And not just due to her age. I remember thinking "just get by until she's four. Things do get easier by then. You've worked with so many kids, you know the switch. It's a huge transition. Soon you will be able to breathe." Four came and went. And I still had a child back peddling. Even with potty training. I was so helpless. I had given up. Until I joined every Facebook group I could to get some sort of understanding and advice on what was going on. A mom mentioned the book. Showed me snapshot pics of some of the stuff inside. There wasn't one sentence that I thought "nope this isn't it." I knew my life was about to become more understanding. I went ahead and purchased the book o...