Jayden {18 months}

This past month has been a blur, with getting Ellie ready for Preschool and Jayden deciding his usual 12hour night sleeps are no longer a good thing. 🙄 { This week starting to do better.} He has changed a bit since 16 months (my last post), so I thought I would record everything before I forgot. What he's up to now: He can climb up on the couch himself, which has helped a ton in his happiness while awake. He can also climb back down which has also been beneficial for us all. Climbing on the edge though has not been helpful and so we rearranged the couch from the window to the wall so he doesn't hurt himself trying to touch the window. He just loves being as close to us as possible. One of his favorite toys is a ball. He's gotten really good at tossing it, so lots of games are playing catch. I also toss balls around the room and he fetches them. (I've told Ellie countless times we don't need a dog.). He's also starting to stand up on his own without...