Jayden {16 months}

Two weeks ago Jayden turned 16 months old. My kids take longer to be more mobile/independent, so when that finally occurs i like to remind myself of how it all happened. His personality is starting to show, and I also don't want to forget all these new things he is up to. My parents have Ellie for a few days so this is my chance. He loves: baths, "talking", push toys, food, pacifier and lovey to sleep, sitting on the couch next to us, the toilet 🙄, kitchen toys, playing with Big Sis, electronic devices, remote controls, being outside, looking out the window (gets upset if you walk away), when Daddy comes home, pointing at everything, listening to music is soothing for him (compared to Big Sis where it energizes her)! He dislikes: if we're on the couch and he's not, most fruits, picky about texture of food, getting out of the bath, diaper changes, being set down, getting nails clipped, being placed in highchair, grass, gets upset if he doesn...