
Showing posts from October, 2016

Jayden [7 months]

I'm a little behind (4 days to be exact) on Jayden's 7 month post. Not on purpose but the past few days flew by! Jayden loves to see us, be near us, and snuggle. He loves baths. Today he kicked his legs so much he splashed the water I felt as wet as he was!  His cheesy grin is contagious.  He loves sitting in his bouncy seat watching Momma in the kitchen. He adores "tags" and his Taggie blanket is his favorite "toy".  He has just recently noticed he can grab my hair or my necklace.  He loves the feel of fabric so falling asleep he gets a lovey and his pacifier.  Out of the house the rainbow blanket and Taggie blanket are usually surrounding him.  A couple weeks ago we gave him the pacifier back in his crib because the sucking help soothed him and he can find it when it pops out.  We were struggling with him staying asleep at night, and Jon has helped find something that works! After I nurse and put him down, if he wakes up again Jon go...

Freedom in Parenting

Dear Momma's, it's been a hectic week.  I know it has... especially in our house. Not napping well, whining, and frozen meals cus I don't have time to cook today.  I've felt uncomfortable with my days and discouraged about my baby who thinks sleep is ridiculous.  Trying to decide what can make me not feel this way as a Mom?  I pictured staying at home with my kids differently. I knew it was going to be tiring, hard work, and short showers (wait, have i taken one?). But today I took a deep breath. Put clean clothes on, did something with my hair (Momma, where we going?), and put some make up on to trick people into thinking I'm not a zombie for Halloween.  Then I got Ellie ready and the baby. Loaded us all up and headed out (1.5hrs after that original thought of getting OUT). It was the time I usually put the baby down for a nap.  It was usually the time I do some laundry or give Ellie a decent lunch.  By the time we arrived at the first destination,...

Birthday Questions with Ellie #4

For Ellie's 4th birthday I thought I would ask her some questions.  Some answers were very random, so I'll add my input. 😉 How old are you? 4 Favorite color? Pink, black, just purple, just red (aka I love pink then those other options too) Favorite toy: pink bear (something i let her get at dollar store while getting bday party stuff) Favorite fruit: apple (banana for breakfast everyday, she also likes peaches and strawberries. Honestly most fruit) Favorite food: apple and cheese quesadillas (you can tell we just picked up some yummy apples yesterday) Favorite TV show: Clifford & Daniel Tiger Favorite outfit: gray dress (Aunt Liz Flug gift for her 3rd bday) Favorite game: Animal Game (Sequence) Favorite snacks: fruit snacks Favorite animal: lion and elephant (very surprised she didn't say dog) Favorite book: Color book (those books they can color that the marker only writes on those pages $5!) Favorite breakfast: spaghetti (whhhatt? Her usual is ban...