Jayden [7 months]

I'm a little behind (4 days to be exact) on Jayden's 7 month post. Not on purpose but the past few days flew by! Jayden loves to see us, be near us, and snuggle. He loves baths. Today he kicked his legs so much he splashed the water I felt as wet as he was! His cheesy grin is contagious. He loves sitting in his bouncy seat watching Momma in the kitchen. He adores "tags" and his Taggie blanket is his favorite "toy". He has just recently noticed he can grab my hair or my necklace. He loves the feel of fabric so falling asleep he gets a lovey and his pacifier. Out of the house the rainbow blanket and Taggie blanket are usually surrounding him. A couple weeks ago we gave him the pacifier back in his crib because the sucking help soothed him and he can find it when it pops out. We were struggling with him staying asleep at night, and Jon has helped find something that works! After I nurse and put him down, if he wakes up again Jon go...