Snuggles Forever

I know it's been since November since I shared what's going on in life. Lately it's been-- just share on Facebook a paragraph with some pics and that's good enough for now. Going from one to two kids had been the hardest transition in my life this far. Ellie was already stretching our limits before our son was born. Now they're just exaggerated because she tries to be the baby. The kids are 3.5 years apart...maybe some day that will be a good age gap but for now it's been hard. Maybe just because of Ellie's personality and Jayden's need to be held to sleep most of the time. Some day I will post his labor story, but until then just know I don't know how long I was officially in labor. My contractions started Friday morning (11th) and he was born Sunday evening (3.13). So I started this journey with two kids exhausted. I haven't been sleeping through the night since before I got pregnant with Jayden. Life with two is so differe...