My Blessed Pregnancy

Dear Hy-Vee employee, Today I had a toddler yelling and screaming the whole way out of church after hearing an encouraging message and I was pumped for the week. I had to sit in the car listening to my three-year old cry her eyes out of hunger and overly tiredness, instead of talking nicely with my husband about applications to the sermon. After lunch and toddler asleep I ran to Hy-Vee. Alone. It was going to be great! I walk in and get delighted that a few things on my list are on sale today. I am lucky to get a free sample of frozen chocolate pie. What 25 week pregnant woman would say no to chocolate pie? Especially months of losing 20 pounds and puking nonstop! I found the shortest line to check out (I wanted to get home to enjoy piece and quiet while toddler was still asleep and hubby is home). A male at the register and you were the young lady to put my items into bags. You seemed nice and efficient so I could get out fast...