Raw Pregnancies
*Warning: You can't say I didn't warn you. This gets graphic and I open up about the truth of something I never knew about until this past year. I share details of what it was like to give birth to three babies: one with a heartbeat, two in heaven. * At five weeks pregnant no medical care is accepted. No one runs to "get you in." They calmly ask you to flee. Return at eight to ten weeks they say. It's as if your baby is not worth checking into. At 12 weeks they nearly faint if they hear you have not gotten medical care. As you start puking you try not to chuckle about you picturing yourself barfing in their waiting room...while munching on cracker number 50. At sixteen weeks you finally "get seen" and you try to get a good look at your moving baby. Your heart skips a beat as the "student" who comes in first has a hard time finding your little one's heartbeat. The ultrasound shows a highly mobile baby, so much so mea...