Tribute to Hubby
Jon's birthday was 9/20/13 and he willingly drove hours to go see my sister's daughter (our niece) for her birthday the following day. We went out to eat (Mexican of course) and then drove straight down to KC. My mom had made a pumpkin pie and had it on our table in our room to surprise him! :) I felt so blessed he was willing to make the drive/trip on his birthday to make the weekend special for me. The week prior was a horrible week. We had miscarried for the second time. We had not been on a trip since March (the last time we went to KC before finding out we were pregnant with Taylor). This time it was a good "moving on" trip. A joy to be around family. I blessing to get out of our usual routine. Yes, we could have done some painting at the house or worked more on just everything that needs done on the house...but he did the trip for me. :) We talked. It was discussed. My body had bounced back enough to mak...