
Showing posts from June, 2013

lovely three years

If you would of told me where Jon and I would be in our marriage at our three-year anniversary back when we got married I would have two words for you: amazed.  surprised. I love my man.  our marriage isn't perfect.  he's not married to someone perfect.  i'm not married to someone perfect.  but by God's grace it works.  we're still growing in our love for each other.  and i wouldn't want it any other way.  he's my best friend. our first year anniversary we went to Newton (Jon's hometown) and went to a Bed & Breakfast.  it was a beautiful weekend. anniversary cake:: great chats about the year & our marriage Jon took this as we were packing up to leave last year i was six months pregnant and we went to Hu-Hot in Cedar Rapids.  then we walked around gordman's and got some stools for our kitchen. so romantic i know. :) wearing one of the many hairpins i wore on our wedding day last night we went to bravo for...

Hunger is Hungry

I've always dealt with my weight.  I was never a good weight, until I got married.  I was always too thin.  I would eat constantly to fill the void of people telling me I was not even 100 pounds (even though I was).  Sunday mornings I could eat three donuts with no problem (even after eating a breakfast at home prior to church).  I'm constantly snacking.  I love anything salty, anything sweet.  Anything chocolate.  Give my a box of cookies, I'll finish them off for you. oh sorry Liz, best pic I had on file from when I was young When I got married I was a healthy weight.  I felt good about myself.  I was no longer told I was too skinny.  I was no longer joked about as the one that was a "size zero, and you disappeared!"  I was happy.  Eating like a normal person. wedding day June 12, 2010 December 2010 Then I got pregnant.  And you other Momma's out there know exactly what I'm talking about. ...

Ellie {8 months}

Yep, you heard me right.  My baby girl is 8 months already!  When did that happen?  I never got around to making 7 month post, because really month 7 and 8 kinda blended together with everything else that's been going on!  Plus the new stuff she is up to all happened within these two months.  So some of the pictures in this post will be from when she was 7 OR 8 months old.  But really, she's cute either way so why bother! ;) Remember when I was helping her go on a "schedule"?  Well that practically got thrown out as soon as we found out we were expecting her sibling.  I was sick, I was desperately needing help.  I let Jon and others do whatever.  Plus, I was just in survival mode.  Now that we miscarried and life is starting to get back to normal (yeah, Ellie has her Mom back!),  she is still not on a "schedule."  However she seriously has always been a good baby but when tired...please PLEASE just lay her down in ...