lovely three years

If you would of told me where Jon and I would be in our marriage at our three-year anniversary back when we got married I would have two words for you: amazed. surprised. I love my man. our marriage isn't perfect. he's not married to someone perfect. i'm not married to someone perfect. but by God's grace it works. we're still growing in our love for each other. and i wouldn't want it any other way. he's my best friend. our first year anniversary we went to Newton (Jon's hometown) and went to a Bed & Breakfast. it was a beautiful weekend. anniversary cake:: great chats about the year & our marriage Jon took this as we were packing up to leave last year i was six months pregnant and we went to Hu-Hot in Cedar Rapids. then we walked around gordman's and got some stools for our kitchen. so romantic i know. :) wearing one of the many hairpins i wore on our wedding day last night we went to bravo for...