A Surprise for Hubby

So during the summer Jon gets off at noon on Fridays. However it hasn't been like that since May, since this is the busy time of year for him at work. :P The weather has also been nasty hot and a prego woman wasn't about to go outside a lot. However my hubby loves it when we take a walk, go to a park, or do SOMEthing outside! And I could tell it was just bumming him out. So with the storm last week and a random nice Friday afternoon weather, I had it planned to try to make it the park! He had no idea! He was so excited when he called me at 12:20pm, saying "hi" over and over again no matter what I said. He was so giddy and excited he was getting off like he should on Fridays! So I was so pumped my surprise for him was going to work out! :) Unfortunately we were low on bread so I couldn't make our picnic lunch so I asked him to pick some up on his way home....and that's when he got a little idea that I was planning something (but...