
Showing posts from December, 2011

10 years of struggle...Discipline vs Grace and TASKS vs TIME

It's the first day off of my normal routine and my heart is already struggling.  I'm trying to figure things out that have been growing on my mind for the past 10 years!  I can't get it out of my head and days like today just give me more of a reason to keep it there.  Stuck.  In that part of the brain where it likes to stay and then randomly shoot off and drive you nuts. Today I felt both annoyed and painfully sad at my reactions.  I was so focused on making sure I could prove to myself, "I can do this!"  Look how well I am able to manage this!  In the mean time I didn't get a chance to engage really at all. Let me explain for those of you who can't read my mind. I've been watching everyone elses kids for 10 years.  I have showered them with love, adoration, energy, and well myself!  So that all of you parents could work, take a break, or whatever.  I've watched your kids in the following (for you one of these and some others in m...

The Semester Ends!

Sorry for not keeping you updated for awhile.  I have plenty to say but less than 10 minutes before I have to get going.  Since my last post I've gotten sick twice and then the days I wasn't it was "catch up days" on the apartment and on poor husband!  This past week is a blur.  I was sick for two days practically.  Jon had a final on Monday, worked on Tuesday, studied on Wednesday, and two finals on Thursday.  Now he is completely done and only has one more semester of college left!  You can only imagine our excitement!!! :) We had it planned that Thursday night we would celebrate.  He got home from work and I was all dressed up and ready to go out!  He wanted to walk around and just enjoy the fact he is completely we picked something near the mall.  Fazoli's.  We sat down and I handed him a card. :)  My hubby's love language is words and he said if you ever want to give me a gift, just give me a card...

Christmas Letter 2011

Jon and I love receiving pictures and updates about your family and we know how much fun it is to receive one. :)  However we feel like at this time in our life our letter wouldn't be worth sending out financially.  So I will sit down with Jon sometime and we will write you a letter and post it here for all of you to enjoy.  However I haven't seen my hubby for over 24 hours.  Which is a big deal to me due to my top two love languages being touch and time together.  However I'm looking forward to tomorrow evening when we finally get to see each other!! Jon has been so overly stressed over all the school work that is due and it's been intense.  It also didn't help that Wed-Friday I was sick.  He has a lot left to do before Monday and I can only imagine what the next two weeks are going to look like.  Hallelujah only one more semester left of this!  May is going to be such an AWESOME month and I just can't wait! But let me tell you a few th...