
Showing posts from August, 2010

Summer Ending

Not only is summer ending but that means August as well.  I need to post about August! The early weeks were filled with Jon not looking forward to school starting and me not looking forward to it either.  I was just not looking forward to less time with him and I knew it was hard on him to think of how much more stress school would cause.  On top of working and going to class he was going to receive lots of school work, hours of studying.  I was just not looking forward to it at all.  But God encouraged me to be His wife who would: encourage, support, and help Jon in any way I can! This month marked the second time my friend Kate drove up to visit me at the apartment!  It was so nice to catch up with her on life.  She shared wonderful insights on her life and how the mission trip to South Dakota went.  (It was my first year in seven years not to go.) The first weekend in August Jon and I went to Johnston because my sister, Elizabeth was due ...

About July

This month was filled with the blessing of saying, "We've been married for a month!" We spent many hours unpacking and cleaning...making our apartment more like home.  Looking back it's such a blur, but it was so wonderful to just be married and together.  We spent every weekend returning to Johnston for different family things---sister's birthday, fourth of July, friend birthday, friend's wedding, and family vacation.  The Tometich fam had not gone on a family vacation for a few years.  It was so nice!  We went to Kansas City.  It gave my nearly 9 month pregnant sister (who lives in KC) a chance to not have to travel but enjoy the vacation. On facebook I put a few pictures and videos from that trip.  Unfortunately more pictures are on my mom's camera and those are not downloaded yet.  That trip is filled with many wonderful memories. =)  Especially it being the first one where I had a husband too!!! =)

Becoming One

Each month I'm going to try and post at least one thing about what the Kaisand's are up to! =) June was the month our story really started as being Kaisand's together.  I'm so blessed to have Jon as my husband.  God really answered prayer!  He knew the man I really needed. Jon has some wonderful characteristics! 1. Strong man of morals and good character. Not only does he know how important it is to have a good relationship with Christ and those around him, he also understands how important it is to check up on our relationship. 2. Understanding and uplifting Never have I ever met anyone more uplifting and someone who encourages me as an individual!  I can totally be myself. 3. Opposites attract! I totally know what that means now.  Before I thought it meant nothing and I was completely clueless about it.  Our differences are the things that make our relationship stronger.  We would not be the same with out the other. =) 4. Leisure time...